`-- <root> |-- The long and winding road |-- 1. 3rd party client libs | |-- Topcoat | |-- AngularJS | | `-- Sharing with directives |-- 2. Device APIs | |-- PhoneGap | | |-- CLI | | `-- PhoneGap plugins `-- 3. Template sharing on Angular's terms
// Track page view
ADB.trackState( path, {} );
// Track timed event
ADB.trackAction( 'updateApp', {} );
ADB.trackTimedActionStart( 'updateAppTimed', {} );
// do something
ADB.trackTimedActionEnd( 'updateAppTimed' );
`-- <root>
|-- The long and winding road
|-- 1. 3rd party client libs
| |-- Topcoat
| |-- AngularJS
| | `-- Sharing with directives
|-- 2. Device APIs
| |-- PhoneGap
| | |-- CLI
| | `-- PhoneGap plugins
`-- 3. Template sharing on Angular's terms
// Selectors
var $ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document);
// Class manipulation
// DOM manipulation
document.getElementById("container").innerHTML += "content
.when('/content/phonegap/geometrixx/apps/ng-geometrixx-outdoors/en/home', {
templateUrl: 'home.template.html' + cacheKiller,
controller: 'geometrixxoutdoorsenhome'
// Controller for page 'home'
['$scope', '$http',
function($scope, $http) {
var data = $http.get('home.angular.json' + cacheKiller);
/* swipe_carousel component controller */
data.then(function(response) {
$scope.playSpeed =
$scope.contentparngswipecarousel =
`-- <root>
|-- The long and winding road
|-- 1. 3rd party client libs
| |-- Topcoat
| |-- AngularJS
| | `-- Sharing with directives
|-- 2. Device APIs
| |-- PhoneGap
| | |-- CLI
| | `-- PhoneGap plugins
`-- 3. Template sharing on Angular's terms
create <path> build <platform> install <platform> run <platform> local [command] remote [command]
`-- <root>
|-- The long and winding road
|-- 1. 3rd party client libs
| |-- Topcoat
| |-- AngularJS
| | `-- Sharing with directives
|-- 2. Device APIs
| |-- PhoneGap
| | |-- CLI
| | `-- PhoneGap plugins
`-- 3. Template sharing on Angular's terms
| | | | | | | | |
AEM + proven open source tech | Developers apply existing web + AEM skills | Authors leverage tools they use everyday |